Dear Parents,

Are you observing a short attention span, moodiness, difficulty in sleeping, aggression or loss of confidence in your young kid? According to various studies one of the major reasons for this behavior can be attributed to long screen time for the kids and lack of quality time with their parents. I believe that every parent tries his/her best to provide the best for their kids but worldly commitments sometimes make it hard to give as much time as we want to give to our kids.

As a solution, I'm bringing the time tested tradition of storytelling in a whole new way which will empower parents to provide a long lasting positive impact on their kids with the limited time they have. The work is on, I'm hopeful of launching the alpha phase in days. If you're interested, please follow me on Instagram or subscribe through your email below. I assure you will not get more than one email a month from me.

Looking forward to reviving storytelling together.

Yours Lovingly,
